Top 15 cyber threats: if in doubt, don't use!

24 Nov 2017

According to the ENISA Threat Landscape Report (2016), malware takes the top position in the list of web threats, just like in other years. Last year a stable increase in malware of 30% has been maintained, and by the end of the year it has resulted in 600 million various samples of malware known to the industry. 67% of these are Trojan type viruses, 11% - worms or self-reproducing viruses, 4% - PUPs, 2% - ads/spyware, and 16% other types of viruses.

During the last year attacks to websites have increased by 15%. An increase in cyber threats may also be observed in terms of web-based attacks, web application attacks, botnets and data breaches.

The active fight against cybercrimes and education of users are very important in the area of data security. Cybercrimes with a decreased level of threat during the last year involve crimes committed as a result of identity theft, cyber-espionage and spam. 

The main way to battle cybercrimes is increasing the knowledge of users and cautious use of personal data. 

Transact Pro information security manager Normunds Aizstrauts states: "In order to increase the security of your finances on the internet, you should use password managers, and if possible use authentication including several factors, choose secure and unique passwords, maintain your equipment in good order and install software updates, review your financial transactions on a regular basis, do not connect to unknown and suspicious internet networks, and protect your devices and turn on the access control."


  • internet does not have a "delete" button;
  • if you share your location you might subject yourself to risk;
  • only share personal information with people you trust;
  • do not share sensitive information online.